
Estudios de obras

London Olympic Aquatics Centre

The 260,000 square-foot Olympic Aquatic Centre required a proven tiling solution which could deliver fast track completion, as well as the ability to withstand the challenging environment within the centre during construction including rigorous hygiene demands.


The 260,000 square-foot Olympic Aquatic Centre required a proven tiling solution which could deliver fast track completion, as well as the ability to withstand the challenging environment within the centre during construction including rigorous hygiene demands.

Job Location:
Olympic Park – London, United Kingdom

Installer: ARDEX UK
Tile Contractor: W B Simpson Limited – Redhill Surrey, United Kingdom
General Contractor: Balfour Beatty – London, United Kingdom

Zaha Hadid – London, United Kingdom
S&P Architects – North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom


  • Accelerated Schedule
  • Cost Savings
  • Challenging Environment
  • Strict Hygiene Demands


ARDEX Tile and Stone Installation Systems have been specified in many high-profile swimming pools. Due to this past expertise and only needing to specify just one manufacturer for the entire installation, ARDEX was awarded this prestigious project by delivering overall reduced costs and time savings due to high performance systems solutions.

ARDEX X 77™ MICROTEC® Fiber Reinforced Tile and Stone Mortar was selected for fixing all of the approximately 866,000 tiles specified for the Aquatic Centre. A one mortar solution with a creamy consistency, no sag properties and outstanding coverage allowed installers to work more quickly and efficiently.  ARDEX FL™ Rapid Set, Flexible, Sanded Grout; Dove Grey with a high level of flexibility and ease of application gave the pool attractive, full grout joints. Shower areas and changing rooms were prepared with ARDEX 8+9™ Rapid Waterproofing and Crack Isolation Compound, providing an easy to apply rapid waterproof protection coat where tile was able to be installed in just 90 minutes.  Areas surrounding the pool that would be subject to heavy foot traffic received an application of ARDEX EB 2™ Fast Setting Screed Cement, providing a strong and flat surface that could be tiled in just hours, as opposed to days as with a traditional sand and cement screed.

The aquatic centre was completed on-time meeting the fast track schedule and the pools looked great for the 2012 Olympic water events.